Gender Equality Plan

The field of research is committed to gender equality and as such, a commitment has been made to the following areas to ensure this is embedded into the framework of the company, Resolute Photonics Ltd.

The following are based on suggestions put forward by Gender Equality in Academia and Research:

  • Dedicated arrangements within organisation tasked with gender equality work through recruitment, within office environment and through project management
  • Generating awareness of gender equality through training and development for all staff.
  • Reaching out to organisations and stakeholders
  • The creation of a work environment that promotes work-life balance, ensuring a fulfilling career for all researchers, regardless of gender. This includes parental leave and policies for returning to work
  • Gender equality in recruitment and selection including female researchers with children under 10
  • Ensure gender representation at the highest level of organisation
  • A protocol in place to tackle sexual and gender-based harassment
  • Integrating gender into research and development and the exclusion of gender bias
  • Analysis and evaluation of gender targets to enable planning and implementation of gender equality
  • Encourage activities and research that support gender equality

The plan will be broken down into the following areas:

  • An analysis phase- procedures, processes and practices are critically assessed with a view to detect gender inequalities and gender bias
  • planning phase, in which objectives are defined, targets are set, actions and measures to remedy the identified problems are decided and plan agreed
  • An implementation phase, in which activities are implemented
  • monitoring phase, in which the process and the progress are regularly followed through and assessed. Findings from the monitoring exercise(s) allow to adjust and to improve interventions, so that their results can be optimised.

Senior leadership team hereby commit to the Gender Equality Plan

Richard Pitwon     

                                        Anna Hughes